Universidad de Jaen
Universidad de Jaen
Website: http://www.ujaen.es/serv/vicint/home/index
Telephone: +34 953 21 21 21
Number of inhabitants in the city: 117 000
Number of students in the university: 3 000
Program: Business and Administration
Academic calendar:
Fall semester: Beg Sept to end Jan
Spring semester: End Jan to mid May
Use the link below to check out the courses taught in English.
Accommodation: Private accommodation
Useful information:
Courses |
Semester |
Advanced Samples Techniques |
6 |
Fall |
Business Creation |
6 |
Spring |
Computer Systems Applied to Finance Analysis |
6 |
Fall |
Computer Systems Applied to Touristic Management |
6 |
Spring |
Descriptive Analysis and Data Exploration |
6 |
Fall |
Design and Analysis of Experiments |
6 |
Fall |
Entrepreneurial Initiative and Business Creation |
6 |
Fall |
Finance Management I |
6 |
Fall |
Institutions and European Union Law |
6 |
Fall |
International Management and Business Cooperation |
6 |
Fall |
Introduction to Accountancy |
6 |
Fall/Spring |
Introduction to Finance |
6 |
Spring |
Local Development and Strategic Territorial Planning |
6 |
Fall |
Management Accounting |
6 |
Spring |
Management of Family Businesses |
6 |
Fall |
Marketing Research |
6 |
Fall |
Microeconomics |
6 |
Spring |
Procesal Law I |
9 |
Fall |
Spanish Economy |
6 |
Spring |
Statistics I |
6 |
Fall |
Strategic Direction I |
6 |
Fall |
Strategic Direction II |
6 |
Spring |
Theory and Foundations of Human Rights |
6 |
Spring |
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