Moray College UHI - Elgin
Moray College UHI - Elgin (Business and Administration)
Moray Street, Elgin,
Moray, IV30 1JJ
Telephone: +44 (0)1343 576000
Number of inhabitants in the city: 93 000
Number of students in the university: 10 000
Program: Business and Administration
Academic calendar:
Winter semester: beginning Sep - 23 Jan
Summer semester: 26 Jan - 26 Jun
"We do not have student accommodation of our own but act as a local exchange point, bringing together people in the local community (who have a bed to offer) with International students. Once your Erasmus application form has been approved, you will be sent a Mobility Requirements form where you can indicate if you wish us to reserve accommodation for you."
Useful information:
- Elgin is located in the north of Scotland in the Highlands and close to famous Loch Ness
- There are three different restaurants at the university - one is a trainee restaurant, where you can get excellent and cheap multi-course menues
- Despite its size Moray offers spectacular scenery, a wide range of facilities and high quality of life
- Moray Leisure Centre offers top of the range facilities suited to all fitness levels
- Things to do in Moray:
Courses |
Adventure Tourism Management
Business and Management
Golf Management
Sports Management
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Hvers vegna að velja Bifröst?
- Í fararbroddi í fjarnámi
- Allt námsefni aðgengilegt á netinu þegar þér hentar
- Skólinn kemur til þín og mætir þínum þörfum
- Sterk tengsl við atvinnulífið
- Persónuleg þjónusta