ISCID-CO Dunkerque
ISCID-CO Université du littoral Côte d’Opale
280 avenue de l’Université – BP 69
59942 Dunkerque Cedex 2
Telephone: +33 3 28 23 68 09
Number of inhabitants in the city: 90 000
Number of students in the university: 3 000
Programme: Business
Academic calendar:
Autumn: September - December
Spring: January - May
Accommodation: The International Office can assist in booking accommodation for the duration of the stay.
Useful information:
- Dunkerque is the northernmost city in France and is located at the North Sea coast - it is only 10 km from the Belgian border
- From Dunkerque you can reach Lille - 4th biggest city in France - within 1 hour and Paris within 2,5 hours by train
- The city has a zoo and several museums and sights to visit; You also have a huge variety of different sport activities to choose from; For the extra fun you have a laser tag centre
- In Dunkerque you can find many different restaurants but you should not miss to try French cuisine; You have a huge variety of fish and seafood restaurants due to the coastal location of the city
Hvers vegna að velja Bifröst?
- Í fararbroddi í fjarnámi
- Allt námsefni aðgengilegt á netinu þegar þér hentar
- Skólinn kemur til þín og mætir þínum þörfum
- Sterk tengsl við atvinnulífið
- Persónuleg þjónusta