FH KREMS University of Applied Sciences
FH KREMS University of Applied Sciences
Website: http://www.fh-krems.ac.at/en/
Telephone: +43 2732 802-4
Number of inhabitants in the city: 24 110
Number of students in the university: 2 400
Program: Business
Academic calendar:
Fall Bachelor: 22-24 Sept 2015 to 30 Jan 2016, Master: 28 Sept 2015 to 30 Jan 2016.
Spring Bachelor: 22 Feb 2016 to 25 June 2016, Master: 29 Feb 2016 to 25 June 2016.
Courses: Use the link below to see the courses available:
Accommodation: Campus in Krems, 240€-355€
Useful information:
- You need around 400€ per month for food and other amenties
- Krems is a town that is located in the Northwest of Austria and is around 70km from Vienna, the capital of Austria
- The university offers a wide range of attractive sport programmes such as ball sports, gymnastics and outdoor activities; there is a relaxing room for students; the cafeteria is open daily from 8:00 to 16:00
- The city has a variety of different activities to offer – outdoor activities and all kinds of sports, museums, cinemas, shopping facilities and sightseeing
- Krems regularly hosts festivals such as beer festivals, music festivals and art festivals
Course |
Fall Semester |
Spring Semester |
Accounting |
3 |
x |
Organization Theory |
1 |
x |
Micro- and Macroeconomics |
4 |
x |
Business Administration |
1 |
x |
International Marketing and Sales |
3 |
x |
Private Law |
3 |
x |
Economic Areas |
1 |
x |
Geo Political Affairs |
2 |
x |
International Economics |
2 |
x |
Business Law |
3 |
x |
Finance and Investment |
2 |
x |
Controlling |
3 |
x |
Export Marketing |
3 |
x |
International Management Methods |
1 |
x |
International Private Law |
3 |
x |
Managerial Accounting |
3 |
x |
Management Simulation |
3 |
x |
Marketing Research |
3 |
x |
Project and Process Management |
3 |
x |
Purchase and Logistics |
2 |
x |
Foreign Trade Techniques |
2 |
x |
International Financial Management |
2.5 |
x |
International Public Law and Institutions |
2.5 |
x |
Training Intercultural Competence |
1.5 |
x |
International Strategies of Sustainable Development |
3 |
x |
Revision Course (International Management and Business) |
8 |
x |
Revision course II (Chair 2: Human Resource and Intercultural Management) |
8 |
x |
Revision course II (Chair 3: International Law and Global Political Studies) |
8 |
x |
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