Academy of Business in Dabrowa Gornicza
Academy of Business in Dabrowa Gornicza
Telephone: +48 32 295 93 16
Number of inhabitants in the city: 150 000
Number of students in the university: 6 000
Programme: Business, Law
Academic Calendar:
See courses taught in English here.
Apply for a student dormitory (about 100 Euros monthly per person) - or rent a private room. The academy staff will help you to find some accommodation.
Useful information:
- Dabrowa Górnicza is a city located in South Poland nearby the city Katowice
- In the Academy’s building there is a cafeteria Amigo where one can buy beverages, sandwiches, sweets and some hot meals - the price of lunch is approximately 10 PLN
- The city is located just outside of the industrial area and is therefore surrounded by parks, green areas, man-made lakes and other recreational opportunities; Right behind the city begins the famous Bledów Desert
- Water sports are very popular in that region - windsurfing, sailing and many more activities are offered
- The living costs in Poland are comparably low compared to many other European countries
Courses |
Semester |
Risk assessment in foreign trade |
4 |
Spring |
Documents in foreign trade |
4 |
Spring |
Conflict solving |
3 |
Spring |
Business plan |
3 |
Spring |
Internet marketing |
3 |
Spring |
Stock Exchange investments |
3 |
Spring |
International human rights law or human rights |
3 |
Spring |
Consular and diplomatic law |
3 |
Spring |
Marketing in trade and services |
3 |
Spring |
Microeconomics-lecture |
2 |
Spring |
Microeconomics-workshop |
2 |
Spring |
History of international relations |
2 |
Spring |
Introduction to organization and management- lecture |
3 |
Spring |
Introduction to organization and management- workshop |
3 |
Spring |
International economic relations- lecture |
2 |
Spring |
International economic relations -workshop |
2 |
Spring |
Hvers vegna að velja Bifröst?
- Í fararbroddi í fjarnámi
- Allt námsefni aðgengilegt á netinu þegar þér hentar
- Skólinn kemur til þín og mætir þínum þörfum
- Sterk tengsl við atvinnulífið
- Persónuleg þjónusta