Full-time academic position at Bifröst University
3. apríl 2019

Full-time academic position at Bifröst University

The Faculty of Social Science and Law at Bifröst University, Iceland, offers a full-time academic position (assistant, associate or full professor) to a candidate with an internationally recognised research record in social sciences, preferably with a competence within the field of media and communications. The candidate would be part of an ambitious faculty, aiming at strengthening its research profile and enhancing its international reputation. Bifröst University offers competitive salaries in a growing, albeit a century old, institution.

The application deadline is 1 May 2019 and the candidate would be expected to be able to start in August-September 2019.

Bifröst University is a small, private foundation with a campus situated approx. 100 km north of Reykjavík. It also has offices for staff and teaching facilities in Reykjavík. It consists of two faculties, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law and the Faculty of Business.

A successful candidate would:

  • Be an excellent teacher
  • A researcher with a proven track record of publications in ISI journals and/or by recognised university book publishers
  • Be willing and able to contribute actively to the development of the Faculty of Social Science and Law
  • Hold a PhD in Social Sciences, emphasis on media and communications is a bonus
  • Be comfortable with online teaching and the use of ICT
  • Speak English fluently

An application should consist of:

  • A detailed CV with a comprehensive bibliography
  • A cover letter

Bifröst University is an equal opportunity institution. Gender balance might thus be a factor in the hiring process.

For further information, please contact Dr Magnús Árni Skjöld Magnússon, dean of the faculty magnus@bifrost.is.