Wiener Neustadt University of Applied Sciences


Fachhochshule Wiener Neustadt
Johannes-Gutenberg-Straße 3
2700 Wiener Neustadt, 


Telephone: +43(0)2622/89 084-0


Number of inhabitants in the city: 41 537

Number of students in the university: 3 340


Program: Business and Administration.


Academic calendar:

Fall: Arrival weekend: end Aug, semester starts: beg Sept, semester end: before Christmas.

Spring: Arrival weekend: mid Feb, semester starts: mid Feb, semester end: mid June.


Courses: Business Consultancy (bachelor), Business Consultancy International (master).

See course selection here.


Accommodation: 3 campus: Wieselburg, Tulln, Wiener Neustadt.


Useful information:

  • Costs:           Accommodation      290€

                                   Public Transport      for free in Wr.Neustadt

                                   Costs for living        380€

                                   Study Materials       40€

  • Wiener Neustadt is located in Upper Austria and is around 50 km from Vienna, the capital of Austria
  • The city is perfectly located in the centre of Europe which makes it a perfect starting point for journeys all around the continent; There is a very good developed railway system and the international airport is only 40 minutes from the university
  • The university offers an extensive programme of social and leisure activities, including organized financially supported trips and excursions for exchange students and other events
  • During the warmer months you can perfectly go hiking, cycling or do other outdoor activities and during the winter months you can go skiing in the nearby skiing areas
  • The city has a variety of activities to offer; There are several museums, shopping facilities, a cinema and several sports facilities for example a public swimming pool


Hvers vegna að velja Bifröst?

  1. Í fararbroddi í fjarnámi
  2. Allt námsefni aðgengilegt á netinu þegar þér hentar
  3. Skólinn kemur til þín og mætir þínum þörfum
  4. Sterk tengsl við atvinnulífið
  5. Persónuleg þjónusta