Turiba University
Turiba University
Website: http://www.turiba.lv/en/
Telephone: +371 67622551, +371 67619008
Fax: +371 67619152
Number of inhabitants in the city: 700 000
Number of students in the university: 3 500
Program: Business Administration, Tourism & Hospitality
Academic Calendar:
Autumn semester: September-December
Spring semester: January-May
See courses taught in English here (page 11, 16 - 21).
There is a youth hostel in the campus which offers accommodation both for permanent and short visits (from 60 to 230€ per month). Website: www.hostelturiba.lv
Useful information:
- Riga is the capital of Latvia, being home to one third of Latvia's population, and is also the biggest city of the Baltic states
- The university has a TV studio and offers some different kinds of sport activities
- Riga can offer you what many big cities have to offer - shopping facilities, museums, magnificient architecture, parks, sports facilities and offers, bike rental stations, restaurants, bars, clubs and so much more...
- The historic centre of Riga is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage - it has a unique charme and you can just barely run out of things to discover there
Courses |
Catering organizing and services |
Tourism agencies and information systems |
Hotel service organization |
Information technologies |
English and second foreign language by choice |
Social psychology |
Internet technologies |
Research paper |
Travel arrangements and management |
Economics |
Business activities in tourism |
Commercial law |
English and second foreign language by choice |
Tourism geography |
Management |
Hotel management systems |
Research paper |
Management of catering compnay (optional course) |
Culture of Latvia and Baltic states (optional course) |
Tourism logistics (optional course) |
Language and intercultural communication (optional course) |
Financial management |
Accounting and taxes |
Services and tourism marketing |
History of world culture |
Human resources management |
Political science |
Tourism economics and globalization |
Management of tourism projects |
Research of tourism and market |
Business etiquette and communication in hospitality |
Languages, cultures and ethics |
Research paper |
Tourism planning and management |
E-commerce |
Philosophy |
Corporate responsibility and sustainability |
Rural tourism |
Advertising language and e-communication technologies |
International law |
Pre-diploma internship |
Bachelor's Thesis |
Tourism and recreation |
Management |
Social psychology |
Information technologies |
Planning and organizing events |
English and second foreign language by choice- German, French, Spanish, Russian |
Economics |
Tourism business |
Research paper |
Active and sport tourism |
History of world culture |
Organizing culture events |
Accounting and taxes |
Market research |
Risk management |
Information technology |
Business etiquette and communication in hospitality |
Media communication |
English and second foreign language by choice |
Scenario and stage |
Tourism business |
Research paper |
Business tourism activities |
Services and tourism marketing |
E-commerce |
Philosophy |
Finance management |
Creativity and leadership |
Commercial law |
Human resources management |
Dramatics |
Technical support of events |
Consumer rights protection |
Language theory and practice |
Research paper |
Organization of sport events (optional course) |
Professional Terminology (German/French/Spanish/Russian) (optional course) |
Acting Skills (optional course) |
Technical Provisions for Events (optional course) |
Culture of Baltic countries (optional course) |
International project management (optional course) |
Intercultural communication (optional course) |
Health and SPA tourism |
Tourism economics and globalization |
Business ethics |
Corporate responsibility and sustainability |
Market research and communication |
Pre-diploma internship |
Bachelor's Thesis |
Civil protection |
Econometrics |
Financial mathematics |
Information technology |
Applied foreign language |
Macroeconomics |
Microeconomics |
Human resources management |
Management |
Research paper |
Financial accounting |
Commercial law |
Applied foreign language |
Marketing |
Taxes |
Entrepreneurship |
Management psychology |
Research paper |
Internship |
Marketing researches (optional study course) |
Sales management (optional study course) |
Recording economic activities (optional study course) |
Management accountancy (optional study course) |
Philosophy |
Finance management |
Quality management |
Political science and sociological researches |
Research paper |
Internship |
Finances and credit (optional study course) |
Team building (optional study course) |
Couching (optional study course) |
Time management (optional study course) |
Complex of marketing communication (optional study course) |
Consumer's behavior in market (optional study course) |
International marketing (optional study course) |
Creation of company image (optional study course) |
Business ethics (optional study course) |
Office work (optional study course) |
Logistics (optional study course) |
Business deals |
Project management |
Risk management |
International business environment |
Strategic management |
Pre-diploma internship |
Bachelor's Thesis |
Information technology |
Microeconomics |
Civil and environment protection |
Management |
Business |
History of world economics |
Human resources management |
Macroeconomics |
Econometrics |
Social psychology |
Regulatory framework of business |
Research project |
Team building (optional study course) |
Information selection and interpretation (optional study course) |
Art of presentation (optional study course) |
Business ethics (optional study course) |
Statistical research methods |
Marketing, Finance accounting |
Political science and sociological studies |
Management accountancy |
Market research |
Communication complex of marketing |
Research project |
Commercial activity (optional study course) |
Applied foreign language (Spanish, French, German language by choice) (optional study course) |
Commercial deals (optional study course) |
Taxes (optional study course) |
Philosophy (optional study course) |
Labor rights (optional study course) |
Intercultural communication (optional study course) |
Accounting of economic activity (optional study course) |
Sale management (free elective study course) |
Business Latvian (free elective study course) |
Business Russian (free elective study course) |
Finance management |
Psychological aspects of business administration |
Strategic management |
Seminar of scientific research discussion |
Quality management |
Bachelor Thesis |
Financial markets (free elective study course) |
Financial tools (free elective study course) |
Couching (optional study course) |
Risk management (optional study course) |
Business etiquette (optional study course) |
Creation of company image (optional study course) |
Consumer behavior in the market (optional study course) |
International environment of commercial activities (optional study course) |
Time planning (optional study course) |
Business Manners |
Globalization, European Integration and Intercultural Interaction |
Civil protection |
Communication Management |
Communications Research Methods |
Music as a Means of Communication |
Social Psychology |
Commerce |
Public Administration and International Relations |
English |
Study paper |
Management |
New Media |
Marketing |
Communications Ethics, Business Etiquette and Protocol |
Financial Management and Accounting |
Elocution and Interpersonal Communication |
Public Relations Campaigns |
Language theory and practice |
Study Paper |
Spanish, Russian, German or French (by choice) |
International Marketing |
International Law |
Integrated Marketing Communications |
Reputation and Brand Management |
International Marketing |
Philosophy |
Study Paper |
Product Creativity (optional course) |
Alternative Marketing Products (optional course) |
International Marketing (optional course) |
Sports Projects (optional course) |
Sociology |
Crisis Communication |
Environmental Communication |
International Communications (in English or Russian) |
Pre-diploma internship |
Bachelor's Thesis |
Hvers vegna að velja Bifröst?
- Í fararbroddi í fjarnámi
- Allt námsefni aðgengilegt á netinu þegar þér hentar
- Skólinn kemur til þín og mætir þínum þörfum
- Sterk tengsl við atvinnulífið
- Persónuleg þjónusta