University Gateway Program

The purpose of the University Gateway program is to provide people with opportunities to seek good preparation for university studies in Icelandic.

The program is designed for students who need preparation for university in general subjects, who lack general admission requirements for university studies and do not have Icelandic as their first language. Those who successfully finish the program and have reached level B1.2. in Icelandic can get admission to any undergraduate program at Bifröst University.

The program is 70 credits at the upper-secondary school level which is equivalent to full time studies for one year. Students can spread their studies over a longer period as they are expected to take the Icelandic as Second Language program alongside the University Gateway. Those who are at level A in Icelandic when they start will need more than one schoolyear to finish the program. Some of the courses in the program are instructed in English, other in Icelandic. Students are expected to have reached level A2.2 in Icelandic in order to take courses instructed in Icelandic. Special support is provided in courses instructed in Icelandic for students who have a foreign language as native language.

See the course plan of the University Gateway program 

See the curriculum for the University Gateway program for the schoolyear 2024-2025

See a two year coruse plan

The University Gateway program is taught online. Students attend an optional campus session onece each course as well as new student orientation at the beginning of their studies. Each semester is divided into two six week sessions with an additional week for assessment. At the beginning of the program students take a two-week course in information technology. Further information on the schedule is available in the academic calendar.

Application deadline is June 23.

  • Admission requirements

    The University Gateway program is for adult learners. To be eligible for studies in the program you will need to have an Icelandic identification number (í. kennitala). In addition, you wil need to fulfill any of the following academic requirements:

    Completion of a learning program at ISQF level 2 / EQF level 3
    Completion of the equivalent of 100 credit units at the Icelandic secondary school level
    Foreign educational documents are evaluated by Enic naric Iceland to assess if admission requirements are fulfilled.

    Students in the University Gateway program may be eligible for a student loan from the Icelandic student loan fund. Information about the eligibility are available on their website.

    According to information from the Icelandic directorate of immigration, studies in the University Gateway program does not make you eligible for a residence permit for students. 

  • Scholarship

    Students with refugee status can apply for a scholarship. The scholarship is granted to students who register for 20 or more credits and pass all of their courses. The scholarship equals 75% of registration fee and is paid at the end of each semester. Scholarships are available for 20 students. Applicants for scholarship need to send a letter of motivation where they state how the University Gateway program will support their goals. The letter should be about 200-300 words. Applicants for scholarship can send their application via email to

  • Registration fee

    The registration fee for the schoolyear 2024-2025 is 75.000 ISK.

    Many unions offer financial support for education. Please contact your union for information.

  • Opportunities for further studies

    A student who successfully completes the University Gateway program and has reached level B.1.2. in Icelandic fulfils the admission requirements for undergraduate level studies in all departments of Bifröst University. Other universities have their own admission requirements and students who plan to apply other universities are encouraged to seek information about the admission requirements of that University before starting the University Gateway program.