Human Resource Management Policy

The human resource management policy of Bifröst University is grounded in the role, vision and core values of the University, which is to educate socially responsible leaders and to be a leader in terms of its course offerings and methods of instruction, which are shaped by an emphasis on social responsibility and sustainability. The core values of the University are cooperation, initiative and responsibility. The human resource management policy of Bifröst University aims at maximising the well-being of staff members on the job and ensuring their ability to act on the University’s strategy and its role in society.

Employees of Bifröst University are committed to the strategy, vision and core values of the University, socially responsible and willing to take initiative and act as leaders in their field. In addition, employees are prepared to learn and share their knowledge and are willing to be part of a team that endeavours to serve all parties involved (including students, staff members, the community and other benefactors of the University) to the best of its abilities.

Among other things, this entails that:

  • Staff members are aware of the role, vision and core values of the University.
  • The University educates its employees on the role, vision and core values of the University and enables employees to act on them in their own work.

Bifröst University is a workplace that views its employees as a key component of the University’s success. The main objective of Bifröst University is to give its employees an opportunity to grow and thrive, both in their work and in their private life, and to put their own strengths to the best possible use.

Among other things, this entails that:

  • Bifröst University offers employees appropriate occupational training
  • Bifröst University emphasises focused career development in cooperation with employees
  • Bifröst University promotes the cultivation of both physical and mental well-being
  • Bifröst University emphasises fairness and equality in all areas and respects the rights and duties of its employees
  • Employees have the opportunity to take pleasure in both their work and their personal lives
  • Employees have the opportunity to be creative, to be leaders in their field and to enjoy life!

The purpose of Bifröst University’s human resource management policy is for employees to prosper to the fullest extent in their work, while acting on the University’s strategy and values. In this way, Bifröst University will be able to serve its employees, students, benefactors and the community.


Reviewed at a meeting of the University Council, May 15th 2019

Approved by the Rector, June 4th 2019

This is a translation of the document Mannauðsstefna. In the event of any discrepancies between the translation and the original text, the original shall take precedence.