Research Policy

Emphasis on research

Bifröst University is a part of an international scientific community, which places emphasis on the advancement of research. The University encourages all of its employees and students to bolster the role of research as part of the University’s operations and to seek ways to enhance research in departmental fields of study and related disciplines.

Bifröst University places emphasis on giving academic employees leeway and time to devote a part of their working time to research. The ratio of research to teaching shall be negotiated when preparing annual work schedules. All employees with a defined teaching-to-research ratio and other employees who have engaged in research in the previous year shall submit an annual research report for evaluation by the University of Iceland. 

Bifröst University endeavours to develop research collaborations with institutions and companies and simultaneously to safeguard the autonomy of its academic staff and their freedom in their choice of subjects and research methods.

Bifröst University encourages its academic employees to collaborate with each other on research projects, thereby strengthening employees professionally and enhancing their capability to participate in interdisciplinary collaboration. Professional and academic relations between Bifröst University’s employees and their colleagues at other institutions lead to enhanced research and development possibilities. Bifröst University attaches great importance to social participation and good relations with the economic sector. Therefore, the University endeavours to enable its employees to connect their own teaching and students’ research to actual economic and social topics.

Bifröst University endeavours to enhance students’ research proficiency and their interest in carrying out research. Consequently, the University offers students to participate in the University’s research projects, as possible. The University wishes to impart inquisitiveness to its students and develop teaching methods that will reinforce students’ competences in project work, critical thinking, innovation and development.

Research visibility

Bifröst University encourages its academic employees to submit articles on their research to peer-reviewed journals. The University aims to make all the scientific output of its employees accessible through open access, unless special circumstances dictate otherwise.

Bifröst University places emphasis on the visibility of research conducted by its employees and effective communication of this research, including within the University.



Bifröst University encourages its academic staff to apply for research grants. Bifröst University makes an effort to raise funds from a broad spectrum of parties in order to finance the University’s research activities. An internal research fund operates at Bifröst University, which has the role of covering expenses associated with academic research projects for academic employees of the University.

Bifröst University encourages raising funds from external sponsors in order to finance research, but only on the condition that such relations in no way raise doubts as to the autonomy and objectivity of the University’s research activities.


Reviewed at a meeting of the University Council, May 15th 2019

Approved by the Rector, June 4th 2019


This is a translation of the document Rannsóknastefna. In the event of any discrepancies between the translation and the original text, the original shall take precedence.