Quality Assurance Policy

Bifröst University lays emphasis on rigorous improvement-oriented quality assurance work that extends to all of the University’s operations. The purpose of this quality assurance work is to maximize the quality of studies, teaching and research at Bifröst University, with the objective of providing students, instructors and staff with a professional learning community that fulfils Icelandic and international quality requirements and assuring the quality of academic degrees conferred by Bifröst University. The quality system shall use as a frame of reference and endeavour to meet requirements on internal and external evaluation for higher education institutions. Quality assurance work shall be open and transparent and shall be characterised by critical and forward-thinking attitudes. The quality system embraces improvement efforts and shall be subject to continual review and development. 

Bifröst University undertakes to take into account and meet completely national and international standards for quality enhancement in higher education, including those requirements stemming from participation in the European Higher Education Area. The quality system of Bifröst University accordingly takes into account the directions put forth in the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. Bifröst University unequivocally supports the Icelandic Quality Enhancement Framework (QEF) and the work of the Quality Board for Icelandic Higher Education and makes a point of active participation in interuniversity cooperation in matters relating to quality management, including at the level of the Quality Council. An important component of quality assurance work at Bifröst University consists in self-evaluation at both the institutional and subject level, which shall be unreserved, reflective and evidence-based.

The Bifröst University Quality Manual includes a description of the University’s quality system, the scope of activities and responsibilities, documented procedures and instructions that shape the University’s operations with regard to studies, teaching, research, and other main features of its operations. The Quality Manual shall be subject to regular review, in keeping with the objective of Bifröst University that quality assurance work at the University be continual and improvement-oriented. The records manager maintains documentation in the Quality Manual and harmonises the appearance of the documents for publication on the Bifröst University website.

The Rector of Bifröst University is responsible for quality management at the University. Bifröst University lays emphasis on ensuring active student participation in internal quality assurance at the University. The Department Board and Quality Manager are accountable to the Rector for quality management at the University and shall ensure that the University operates in accordance with internal and external quality requirements. Directors are accountable to the Rector for quality of service and other University operations.


Reviewed at a meeting of the University Council, May 15th 2019

Approved by the Rector, June 4th 2019


This is a translation of the document Gæðastefna. In the event of any discrepancies between the translation and the original text, the original shall take precedence.