Hanna Kristín Skaftadóttir

Hanna Kristín Skaftadóttir



From 2021: Program Leader of Business Intelligence hjá Bifrost University

From 2019: Lecturer MAcc studies hjá University of Iceland

2016 - 2021: CEO hjá Poppins & Partners

2012 - 2014: Associate hjá KPMG

2009 - 2011: Associate hjá Deloitte

ORCID website

Educational career
  • 2024: Ph.D. in Accounting information systems at University of Iceland
  • 2015: Opið nám - Framhaldsstig in Linguistics & Developmental Psychology at Stanford University
  • 2012: Meistarapróf in Master of Accounting and Auditing at Reykjavik University
  • 2009: BS in Business Administration at Reykjavik University
  • AI
  • Business Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Innovation
  • Innovation and industries
  • Technology
  • Fintech
  • Auditing


Why Bifröst?

  1. Constant workload trains students in group and team work
  2. Small university that emphasises personal service
  3. We aim for personal development and social participation
  4. Friendly campus for individuals and families
  5. Active quality control and innovative teaching methods